Dober Games
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Account Deletion

We’re sorry to see you go. Your data is yours and we respect your choice. Please fill out the following form to initiate the account deletion process.

Legal notice: The contests offered by Dober Media LLC are skill-based games. Dober Games is a licensed trademark of Dober Media LLC. Account deletion will initiate a process of data deletion where Dober Media LLC will evaluate what data points can be deleted given record-keeping regulations around our licensing. Some data points might be kept for up to 10 years due to record-keeping mantes surrounding licensing auditing and tax purposes. Dober Media is a US-based company registered in the state of Delaware. From 651 N Broad Street STE 205 8854, Middletown, DE, 19709, USA.

Account Deletion Rejected

To delete your account you must have a cash balance of $0 and no pending contests. Please use or withdraw your funds to complete the account deletion and ensure no pending contests are in your account when re-submitting the request.